Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Now What? - Pt.1 - Starting Fits

Today, I'm going to talk to you about where my projects begin. Every single film, design, illustration, song, play, script, etc. is inspired by something, and for me it's usually little, almost epileptic, daydream-like flashes. Sometimes the flash is a single image, other times it's a full sequence of footage, but it's always involuntary. Sometimes those images carry an almost addictive quality, and suddenly I'll need to see more of whatever it is.

The more addictive flashes of accidental brain activity are the ones I pay close attention to. They've proven to be potent distillations of the things of import in my life at that moment. They contain questions and answers and explanations about my current place in the universe. They feel honest and they're relevant, and that's a pretty perfect place to begin a story.

Here's an example: The ideas for my Bad Metal project appeared to me in my mid-20s. I'd been simultaneously discovering '70s heavy metal while revisiting some of my favourite TV shows from my childhood. The flashes of inspiration I began experiencing were drawing directly from those influences, but they'd been mixed with and filtered through my recent real life experiences as an aimless, disgruntled, rebellious, 25-year old. Screaming guitars and talking socks and mountainous robots were suddenly more than just interesting - in those spastic daydreams they were important, man!... As some hobo's probably already told you this week: Hold on to your dreams, kid - they're as real as it gets.

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