Monday, September 6, 2010


This project has taken a decidedly different turn in the year since my last post (since deleted and awaiting a rewrite).

After a lengthy hiatus, I took a stroll through my entries here and found them to be mostly excruciatingly long and tangled and usually blushingly awkward. I would like to keep using this site as a place to post notes about my work toward live action production, but things definitely need to be more focused... and less like a teenager's diary.

Over the next little while I'll be going through my old posts and distilling them down to hopefully useful (and readable) entries. I'll also be adding some new insights, ideas, and concepts. New or old, I'll be forcing myself to keep every piece to a nice, little, three paragraph format, which brings us to the end of this update. I hope you like the (more concise) rambles to come.

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