Tuesday, September 7, 2010


There're probably fewer activities in life that I enjoy more than watching movies. Add to that the fact that I grew up on commercial sets, in a special effects shop, and with an illustration and design studio in my house, and it was pretty obvious to me that I would end up making a few of those movie things myself. Hell, being born into that environment, it was like I was halfway there, right?

Well, here's all you need to know for now: even that isn't enough to magically become a filmmaker.

I didn't end up toooo far from the mark: I currently work as a freelance animator. I've carved out a nice little career for myself, but it's not exactly what I was dreaming of as a kid. Thankfully, human beings nowadays live long enough to follow a few different career paths in a single lifetime. This blog is the chronicle of my journey from animator / illustrator / craftsman / cog to (hopefully) live-action screenwriter and director. I'll scribble down notes, insights, methods, and points of inspiration in an effort to organize my thoughts as well inform anyone interested in understanding the process or following a similar path... Oh, and I'll try to keep things interesting so you wanna come visit lots. OK - MAKEMOVIE, GO!

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